🧕 A Millennial Mom, A mom of 2 son and also a wife
🧕 Live in Tabanan, Bali
🧕 I have a love for korean drama, food, books, music, movies, make up, travelling and anything else I can get my hands on!
Currently I am blogging to document my life stories and also share information with others. You don’t really know what others might need. Since I love socializing, I have a membership in Blogger Perempuan, Kumpulan Emak-emak Blogger, Indonesian Female Bloggers, BP Network, Blogger Crony, Indonesia Beauty Blogger, and many more. I am super excited meeting and getting to know new people.
I’m getting a hang in this blogging thing and starting to feel confident in writing again (both in Bahasa Indonesia and English). But learning is a never ending process, right? Lots to do along the way.
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